Gracedale update: 87% of residents, 48% of staff vaccinated, executive says

Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure speaks April 6, 2021, at a press conference about Northampton County's initiative to offer implicit bias training to local police departments. Rudy Miller | For


Northampton County Executive Lamont McClure on Tuesday unreeled the past year during a virtual “2021 State of the County Address.”

At the core of the address hosted by the Lehigh Valley Economic Development Corp., and carried via Facebook, were the county’s responses to the challenges posed by the coronavirus.

“While 2020 was not a good year, I think we can all agree it won’t be forgotten anytime soon and, most importantly, despite all its difficulties, it didn’t stop us from rising to the challenge and continuing to make progress,” McClure said in his prepared speech.

Among the highlights were the county’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic at the Gracedale nursing home and Northampton County Prison, both of which are the types of congregate-living settings hit hard by the virus.

“Gracedale, like most other long term care facilities, took the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic,” McClure stated. “At one point in the United States, 40% of the COVID-deaths were in nursing homes.”

With a $750 incentive offered to employees of the nursing home in Upper Nazareth Township to get vaccinated against COVID-19, 48% of staff members have gotten the shot, along with 87% of Gracedale residents, according to McClure. Both rates are running about 10 percentage points higher than the national average, he said.

At the prison, the county reported last week no active cases of COVID-19 among inmates. Since the beginning of the pandemic 13 months ago, 176 inmates have tested positive, and all have either finished their quarantine periods or are no longer incarcerated at the Easton facility. In addition, 61 corrections officers have tested positive, with 54 having finished quarantining and returned to work as of April 8; seven remained out on quarantine.

Throughout Tuesday’s address, McClure offered thanks to the county employees who helped the county make it through the challenges of the past year, which were not limited to the coronavirus.

“This last year has introduced a lot of challenges into everyone’s life starting with the worst pandemic the world has seen in 102 years, Tropical Storm Isaias, a jittery stock market, a record breaking snowstorm, some of the largest protests since the 1960s and an historic high-turnout election,” McClure stated.

McClure, a Democrat, is running for re-election this year against Republican Steve Lynch. Neither faces a challenger in the May 18 primary ahead of the Nov. 2 election.

Click the Facebook link above to watch Tuesday’s address, which is included below in its entirety as prepared:

“2021 State of the County Address

“Thank you to LVEDC for hosting and sponsors (Gross McGinley, Workforce Board, and ABE Airport)

“Welcome to those in attendance.

“I’m glad to have the chance to speak with you today about the great things we are doing in Northampton County. In 2020, I was denied that opportunity. This last year has introduced a lot of challenges into everyone’s life starting with the worst pandemic the world has seen in 102 years, Tropical Storm Isaias, a jittery stock market, a record breaking snowstorm, some of the largest protests since the 1960s and an historic high-turnout election. Northampton County didn’t have to contend with murder hornets, thankfully those confined themselves to the Pacific Northwest, but we continue to battle against the Spotted Lanternfly, one of the most damaging invasive species to hit Pennsylvania in decades.

“While 2020 was not a good year, I think we can all agree it won’t be forgotten anytime soon and, most importantly, despite all its difficulties, it didn’t stop us from rising to the challenge and continuing to make progress.

“I want to thank our medical professionals, front-line workers and first responders for all their efforts this past year to keep us safe. I also want to recognize our County employees who adapted quickly to CDC recommendations and worked tirelessly, continuing to serve the people of Northampton County while developing new programs and protocols to respond to a changing world. As someone once said, ‘There are no hard times for good ideas,’ and, thanks to the dedicated workforce we have in Northampton County, I’ve had a lot of good ideas to take advantage of.

“First, I want to acknowledge our Department of Fiscal Affairs which, for the past three years, has put together a budget with no tax increases. Since 2019, we’ve decreased expenditures by 17% through investments in technology, increased efficiencies, reduced travel and by negotiating new contracts with vendors. But we haven’t cut funds to preserve open space, farmland or environmentally sensitive areas. We’ve increased them. Over my three years in office we’ve put $12 million towards making sure our county retains its agricultural heritage so our grandchildren will have the opportunity to buy strawberries and pumpkins from local farmers, hunt in healthy forests and fish in clean waters. And preserving land is our best option to combat warehouse proliferation. Currently we’ve preserved 216 farms covering 17,669 acres and as long as I’m County Executive, we will continue to expand this program.

“I’ve often said the future of Northampton County is green. One of the many lessons the pandemic taught us is the value of our recreational areas. During lockdowns, parks and trails were one of the few places residents and their families could go to relax and exercise. Northampton acquired two additional properties last year, one in Williams township and the other in Upper Mount Bethel, bringing our total number of parks to twenty. We also began the rehabilitation of the Nor-Bath Trail and re-opened Minsi Lake to the public following the completion of a new dam. Every year in the Lehigh Valley an estimated $351 million is spent on outdoor recreation which is why we’ve prioritized linking our vast network of trails and increasing out number of parks. Our green spaces aren’t just good for the environment, they’re a critical driver of our economy.

“COVID-19 taught us that the virus didn’t just affect our lives, it also threatened our livelihoods. Working with the Department of Community and Economic Development, Northampton County acted quickly to protect public health and mitigate the effects of the pandemic on our small businesses, especially those in the hospitality industry. Understanding that testing was the key to preventing transmission, we set up two COVID-19 drive-through testing centers—first, at Easton Hospital and now at our current site at Coordinated Health in Bethlehem Township.

“There’s nothing like a pandemic to show you the value of our small businesses. I know I miss eating out at my favorite restaurant and last spring, I started looking pretty shaggy when my barber had to close down. Local shops might be small but they are a critical driver of our economy. That’s why, out of the $26.7 million Northampton County received from the CARES Act, we put over $10 million dollars into small business assistance grants, giving gyms, florists, auto parts stores and others small businesses with up to $15,000 to help cover payroll, rent and other operating expenses. In 2020, we helped 767 small businesses with these grants. Many owners got in touch with me to describe 2020 as the worst year in their company’s history. More than a few admitted that they’d been on the verge of having to close until the grant came through. That’s why, in 2021, I’m planning on putting another $10 million from the American Rescue Plan into this program again. We need our small businesses to stay afloat until the pandemic ends and the economy begins to improve. I encourage everyone to support our small businesses by shopping local. The pandemic won’t last forever, but its economic impacts will be extended if we have to rebuild our shops, stores and services from scratch, so please support them now so they can serve us later.

“I’m sure all parents of school-aged children are aware that, during lockdowns, academic success requires reliable access to the internet. Using $650,000 in funds from the CARES Act, DCED put together funding for broadband for K-12 students and veterans. Every school district in our county received grants so they could purchase hotspots for students who didn’t have internet access at home as well as software for teachers to use with remote instruction.

“And internet access hasn’t just been crucial for veterans and K-12 students. Our older residents have also suffered this past year, isolated in their homes, cut off from their friends and families. Area Agency on Aging had to close our senior centers due to the severe risk COVID-19 posed to those sixty-five and up. To help their clients stay connected, AAA established a tablet lending program so seniors could attend exercise programs and wellness education in addition to socializing with each other. For those who aren’t comfortable with computers, AAA is now running a call center on Friday mornings to set up vaccine appointments. And, for those who don’t drive, the County has worked out an agreement with LANTA for free trips to-and-from vaccine appointments through LANTA’s Share Ride for Seniors Program.

“Seniors are an essential part of our communities and I consider Gracedale Nursing Home to be one of the jewels of Northampton County and of pivotal importance for protecting our most vulnerable citizens. As long as I am County Executive, Gracedale will remain under county control.

“Gracedale, like most other long term care facilities, took the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. At one point in the United States, 40% of the COVID-deaths were in nursing homes. I want to thank our Director of Human Services and the Administration at Gracedale for all they did to contain the virus. Gracedale was the first nursing home in Pennsylvania to close down to volunteers and visitors and the first to install a negative pressure ward to isolate those who were infected. I am incredibly grateful for the dedication and integrity of our staff who came to work, day-after-day, to care for those who were sick with a novel virus. Every life lost is a tragedy, but never forget that, if it weren’t for those front line workers willing to risk their own lives and health to protect the most vulnerable among us, things could have been much, much worse.

“That’s why, when the vaccine became available, we offered a $750 incentive to employees to get the shot. As of now, 87% of our residents and 48% of our staff have received the vaccine—ten points higher for both groups than the national average. Gracedale also benefited from a program which we put in place before the start of the pandemic – the Mental Health and Aging Program. We believe this to be the first program of its kind. In 2019 the County contracted with Haven House to offer one-on-one counseling and support to address behavioral challenges for residents suffering from trauma, depression or anxiety. We’ve found this approach has benefited not only the residents and their family members but also staff by decreasing crisis calls, in-patient hospitalizations and involuntary commitments. Having the counselors on site has been invaluable during a pandemic where everyone’s mental health is affected.

“The work our Department of Human Services does is critical to the health and well-being of our most vulnerable. I am extremely impressed by all the initiatives DHS has put forth over the last year to protect and serve children, the disabled and the elderly. Director Susan Wandalowski, DHS has expanded our number of recovery centers and treatment options for those struggling with substance abuse, Children, Youth & Families is developing a Decision Aid Tool to improve screening of child abuse and neglect referrals and this year DHS will form a LOSS Team to assist friends and family members after they’ve lost a loved one to suicide.

“Another important public health advancement we made in 2020 was the opening of the county’s first Forensic Center. Until now, our coroner’s office has been forced to beg space from hospitals and other facilities to do autopsies on homicide victims and struggle to find enough secure space to store evidence from crime scenes. Having our own Forensic Center ensures that the dead will be treated with dignity and our professionals will have the tools and the space they need to do their very important jobs.

“Infrastructure is critical factor for success in any community. I’m very pleased with everything our Public Works department has managed to get done during 2020. Not only did they complete the Forensic Center, but they increased the parking around the Government Center, made improvements to pedestrian safety and made progress on bridge repairs around the county.

“Running a prison isn’t easy in any year. Running a prison during a pandemic is a whole different challenge. I want to commend our Department of Corrections staff for all their work this past year. Like Gracedale, the Northampton County Prison closed early to volunteers and visitors and took steps to keep both the staff and their residents safe. I want to thank the District Attorney’s Office and Public Defender’s office for working with us to furlough non-violent offenders. Once we’re able to get a majority of people vaccinated, these folks will return to serve the remainder of their sentence but, for now, lowering the population helped keep cases of Coronavirus at the Jail low. While the facility had an increase in November and December, the administration was able to get it back under control quickly through testing, increased cleaning protocols and wearing masks. That is a lesson we should all take to heart. While we wait to get our COVID-19 vaccine, we should continue to take those actions which have been proven to prevent transmission of the virus: wear our masks, wash our hands frequently and stay six feet apart when out in public. The sooner we can return to socializing with each other safely, the better off we’ll all be.

“One of the biggest responsibilities of any county is running the elections. Interest was high in 2020 and so was participation. High participation is something to be celebrated but, due to Act 77 allowing for no-excuse mail-in voting and a pandemic, our Elections staff had to scramble to hold two elections at the same time—manning 154 polling stations and counting almost 74,000 mail-in ballots on the same day at the same time. In 2020, Northampton County once again affirmed its reputation as a bellwether. In the past century, the voters in Northampton County have only been out of step with the nation’s choice for president on three occasions. So the pressure was on and I’m pleased to report that our staff, volunteers and Election Day workers did an exemplary job putting on a fair, legal and accurate election. In November we were the first county in the commonwealth to report our unofficial results which we published at 6AM on Wednesday morning.

“Our democracy gets stronger the more citizens participate in it. I encourage everyone to vote in this year’s and every year’s elections and to feel secure in knowing that the Election’s staff of Northampton County will protect your access to the ballot box and make sure all legally cast votes are counted.

“This has been a hard year and it may not be over yet. However, I know that if we persevere we will overcome the ravages of COVID-19 and return to lives where we spend our weekends at an Iron Pigs game, or at Musikfest or at a farm show. You cannot truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun until you’ve spent some time crawling through the shadows. This last year had a lot of shadows, but it had a few bright spots as well. If we keep making progress, protecting our citizens and building a more equitable society, I believe there will be more sunny days ahead.

“Thank you to host and attendees.”

Credit: Kurt Bresswein may be reached at Updated Apr 13, 2021; Posted Apr 13, 2021


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